Testimony By a Planned Parenthood Employee Given July 29,2015

Everybody has an opinion on abortion, the truth, and planned parenthood, but here is reliable testimony given by a Director of Planned Parenthood given under oath.

Many in the pro-life camp have no idea about this woman. I would say she is the Saul/Paul of the 21st century. She was a Director of a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas. She worked for planned parenthood for 8 years. She then had a moment, when God took the veil off of her eyes during an ultra-sound assisted abortion of a 13 week old child.

She has a website detailing her involvement. Take a Look and read on her About ME page. The moment she decided she was not going to participate in the abortion of children anymore, the devil took notice. Immediately, Planned Parenthood saw her as a threat and attacked her with a lawsuit when she quit. The courts saw it for what it was and dismissed the allegations hurled at her, and what I see most precious about this woman is her concern for others. She has reached out to planned parenthood workers and to date has helped 150 workers including doctors leave the profession.

She asks her followers to pray for the workers and women involved in abortion. She reaches out with compassion and is very concerned to extend grace to those trapped in the cycle of death and sin. She has a husband and five children that need our covering of prayer. This girl needs our prayers and support. She is intelligent, and transparent. She is bold and loves women.

Like her on facebook.

Pray for her.

Share her story.

A recent poll shows only 30% of Americans are aware of the videos that expose Planned Parenthood's practice of violating law, baking books (lying), and selling baby body parts.

You can see all of the videos in question here. Center For Medical Progress Youtube Channel

Share that link in email, and mms. The mainstream media is not telling this side of the story. In order to make any intelligent decision, we need to make sure we and our neighbors are informed with all evidence and facts.

Between my husband and myself, 6 people that knew nothing about the videos were informed yesterday alone. One is an avid cable news watcher. She had heard nothing about it. My husband sent me a text message today, saying  he told one more person. I am so proud of him.

Read on the COMPANIES THAT DONATE directly to planned parenthood and  CHOOSE TO BE BETTER STEWARDS of the money and blessing God has given you. Maybe you aren't the mouthy redneck like me that will tell you to your face the facts about abortion and dare you to repeat a bit of propaganda. That is wonderful! I get in trouble a lot, and God uses every personality type out their to bring about his Kingdom. Boycott can be the best non violent vehicle to change. Use it!

If the above video is not enough to convince you that Planned Parenthood is not concerned with women's health, then this one might give more insight. It is the testimony of three abortion workers.

*THE CHOOSE TO BE BETTER STEWARDS link above has a button that was supposed to lead you to a Petion demanding transparency and the breaking of ties with Planned Parenthood  created  on Care2. They have removed my petition with no answer as to why.***